Thursday, May 7, 2020

Psychological Disorders Of The Brain - 1364 Words

Psychological Disorders of the Brain What people overlook about psychological disorders like schizophrenia is that they are caused by chemical imbalances in the brain. The brain is a soft tissue muscle that has billions of nerves and cells. It controls our functions without it people would not be here. People look at schizophrenics like they are insane. This way of thinking needs to change. The brain is made up of many cells, neurons and glial cells. â€Å"Neurons are cells that send and receive signals to and from the brain and nervous system.† [64] There are about 100 billion neurons in the brain. â€Å"Glial cells found in the nervous system that provide the brain with various types of support.† [65] The brain controls our movements; it†¦show more content†¦In the past, studies have used brain scans. â€Å"Which showed that the brains of individuals with schizophrenia have significantly larger fluid-filled spaces (cerebral ventricles) compared to unaffected controls.†(â€Å"Eliminating Barriers†) This means that people with schizophrenia have a brain abnormality that affects the way their brain functions. According to the Schizophrenia and Related Disorder Alliance of America website; three million people in America alone have been diagnosed with schizophrenia alone. This is twice the amount of people diagnosed with HIV/ AIDs. (SARDAA) When people think of schizophrenia, they mix it with multiple personality disorder. Schizophrenia is one person with a split mind that has complicated rational behavior and thinking. Multiple personality disorder is when a person has two or more whole and distant personalities inhabiting the same body. Multiple personality disorder is a treatable disorder that can go away with treatment and therapy. Schizophrenia is treatable, however there is not a cure. If a schizophrenic person walked past someone, talking to themselves about people hearing their thoughts. Then a few moments later will walk up to the same person and asks th ey have seen the man in the suit talking into his shirt. Generally a rational person would look at them as if they are a lunatic and say no, never questioning that they may suffer from a

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